How To Help Trans, Nonbinary Communities Amid Reported Trump Policy Plans

Since the Trump plan was revealed, protesters have been gathering online ― often using the hashtag #WontBeErased ― and in person around the country. On Sunday night, several hundred people gathered in Washington Square Park in New York City.

But there is still a lot of work to be done to make sure the trans and gender nonconforming communities are protected. Here are some ways you can help.

October 2018 Newsletter

Dear Community,

Every Fall, the season itself reminds us that change is constant and inevitable. On this note, let’s reflect on the fortifying events, workshops, conversations, and long-time community rituals The Audre Lorde Project has held over the past several months. Whether it’s celebrating our 20th Annual Chillin’ & Grillin’ along with BedStuy Pride, serving empowering movement building workshops, guiding folks toward community wellness and healing rituals, organizing the Annual Trans Day of Action, or convening members around immediate issues impacting our communities, The Audre Lorde Project has been showing up!

This season, we have a few new team members to welcome on board, fantastic learning opportunities and gatherings ahead, and as always, we want to honor our dedicated staff, volunteers, and movement ancestors for making the work we do possible.

Endorse 14th Annual Trans Day of Action

Thursday, May 24, 2018 - 12:00am to Friday, June 15, 2018 - 12:00am

Thank you to everyone who endorsed TRANS DAY OF ACTION this year!


Apogee Journal

Black Youth Project 100 NYC

CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities

Caribbean Equality Project

Damayan Migrant Workers Association

Equality for America / Queeramisu

Equality New York

Equality NY


LGBT Bar Association of Greater NY

LGBT Bar Association of NY (LeGaL)

National Trans Bar Association

NYC Democratic Socialists of America

Oasis L.G.B.T.S. Wellness Center

Party for Socialism and Liberation

Peter Cicchino Youth Project at the Urban Justice Center

Planned Parenthood NYC

Planned Parenthood of New York City

Poongmul Movement Builders (PMB)

Pop Gym

Princess Janae Place

Queer and Trans Caucus, Jewish Voice for Peace, new York City

Queer Anga

Queer Detainee Empowerment Project

S.O.U.L. Sisters Leadership Collective

Samy Nemir


Spreading the word and Mobilizing

Stonewall Community Foundation

Tarab NYC

Teachers Unite

The Public Science Project - What's Your Issue?

Trans Latina Network

Vision Change Win

What Would an HIV Doula Do?

Women's March



Friday, June 22, 2018 - 4:00pm to 7:00pm

Calling all Trans and Gender Non-Conforming People to our 14th Annual Trans Day of Action!


We invite you to join TransJustice and come celebrate the ways we resist by mobilizing, and honoring the pier as a historic home-space for TGNC communities. Through this march we move towards demanding access to both public and private spaces without fear of harassment or brutality.

In an effort of redefining and reclaiming public space, we encourage folks to organize contingents for Trans Day of Action. A contingent is 5 or more people and will be listed as a contingent on Trans Day of Action materials.

On this day, we take to the streets and demand the right to make decisions about our bodies, expressions, specifically by taking up space where we’re told there is none.

Accessibility: Nearest Accessible train, bathroom info

W 4th St Station-- Elevator at NE corner of Sixth Avenue and 3rd Street
Restroom Access-- Pier #45 has accessible restrooms that will be open and available throughout the event.

Location: PIER #45- Entrance off of Christopher Street

We call for our communities of Trans and Gender Non-Conforming (TGNC) People of Color (POC) and our allies come together and join TransJustice as we mobilize for our 14th annual NYC Trans Day of Action for Social and Economic Justice!

For more information or questions, comments, or concerns, email us at If you are media or a journalist interested in covering TDOA, please email us Reminder: All media is required to check in with us before covering the event. Thank you! Hope to see you!


Hacemos un llamado a nuestras comunidades Trans y de géneros no-conformes(TGNC), al igual que a nuestros aliados, para que se unan al Día de Justicia Trans (Trans Day of Action) ¡Celebramos el 14º Día de Acción Trans por la Justicia Social en la ciudad de Nueva York!

¿Qué haremos? - Les invitamos a unirse a TransJustice para que celebremos las formas mediantes las cuales creamos resistencias, específicamente, mediante una protesta movilizada. A su vez, honraremos los muelles como un lugar histórico, una querencia para las poblaciones trans y de géneros no-conformes. Mediante esta marcha exigimos acceso a los espacios tanto públicos como privados y que nuestra participación en ellos rechace la fricción hostil o violenta que los caracteriza.

Nos guía un esfuerzo hacia la redefinición y la reclamación del espacio público, y de este modo les invitamos a formar contingentes para el Día de Acción Trans. Por un contingente entendemos un grupo de 5 o más personas.

En este día tomamos las calles y exigimos el poder decisional sobre nuestros cuerpos y las maneras en que nos expresamos. ¡Vengan y ocupemos los espacios que nos niegan!

Instrucciones de acceso:

Esta marcha se llevará a cabo en el Muelle 45
La estación de metro más cercana es West 4 St, líneas A, B, C, D, E, F, M.
El ascensor está en la esquina nordeste de West 3rd Street y Sexta Avenida (también conocida como Avenida de las Américas).

El muelle 45 cuenta con un baño que estará abierto durante el transcurso de la marcha.

Lugar: Muelle 45 entrada cercana a Christopher St.

Comuníquenos sus necesidades de accesibilidad, sus preguntas o cualquier deseo que tenga y que hayamos mencionado en las instrucciones de acceso. No dude en enviar un correo electrónico.

Para más información, preguntas, comentarios o dudas, contáctenos a Si desea hacer algún tipo de cobertura mediatica, favor de comunicarse a Recordatorio: Solicitamos que la prensa nos nitifque de sus intereses antes del evento.

¡Traigan pancartas, letreros y tambores y vengan a resistir la cooptación de nuestra lucha!
!Gracias! !Les vemos pronto!

