
Dear Community,
It’s 2019, and we have a new year ahead of to accomplish great things, and show up for each other in powerful ways. We hope our January offerings encourage you to participate in community, find healing, and create connections between justice, wellness, and honoring the legacies of the movements that inform so many of our daily struggles. We would also like to offer gratitude for the contributions of time, energy, and money folks have made to help us thrive, which is so critical at this moment in time. Your love and efforts have and will continue to fortify our communities.
This is a great time to start volunteering with us at The Audre Lorde Project. Start by attending our membership orientation. Money comes and goes, but time does not. The contribution of your presence is something we cherish and honor. We have several monthly meetings at our Brooklyn and Manhattan offices. Metrocards and food are provided, and we encourage you to participate within your capacity. Please take a look at the schedule of upcoming events, below, and join the conversation. We currently have 2 job openings, and you are welcome to apply for our TransJustice Community School, or take an Adult First Aid class, Activate with us this year!
In Solidarity,
Communications Coordinator

Community Care Day
During Community Care Day, we honored our volunteers and members with healing rituals, valuable information about food justice, inspiring presentations with community leaders on community wellness, and intergenerational creative collaboration. Understanding that intersectional bodies incur more day to day stress than others, our community members have taken on the tremendous work of helping us learn how to better heal ourselves.

We offer thanks and gratitude to Betsy Fagin, for offering a Grounding in Metta Meditation worksop, to Khao'na Kitchen Food for a health giving talk about creating a balanced plate, to Emma Chew-Murphy for facilitating an Introduction to Qi Gong, to Chauvet Bishop for teaching us how to use self-massage to harmonize with our own bodies, to M Erazo Petroff for creating a creative healing space for making art together in community, and ALP's phenomental 3rd Space Coordinator Simone Sobers for assembling the healers and teachers for this life-giving event.

All of these provisions reflect the value of sustainable healing, for and by our communities here at ALP. Global traditions were gathered and honored in the most ethical and consensual way, to create a healing space that opened room to share knowledge from the places our communities originate, with kindness and respect.

(Click on the images below for further details on our upcoming events)
