Tuesday, May 2, 2023 - 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Via Zoom



As organizers, oftentimes we can look towards the end of our campaigns, our events and community work. We may focus on the bigger picture and may not always take the time to strategize more around these questions: How do we get our communities to be part of our work in the first place? What happens after the event and campaign are over? In a social media world, what is needed in order to continue building transformative justice strategies and our collective resistance- past our social media posts?

Join us for our "Outreach, Basebuilding and Organizing" cypher on Tuesday, May 2nd at 6:30pm via Zoom, as we discuss outreach, basebuilding and its importance in our organizing, in our resistance. We can't wait to dialogue with you and make sure to bring a friend or two! 

Seamless food vouchers will be provided to participants!

Campaigns and Projects: