Independently and in tandem with other groups, ALP's community support during the pandemic has looked like getting folks released from prisons and detention centers, connecting folks to resources, and working to make sure our members have food to eat and places to stay. In some cases, the work has meant accounting for our members whose lives are compromised by stigma, poverty, and systemic disparities. This is a labor of love that is on-going. Due to the high risk of so many in our membership base, we have decided to do a cyber shift for our annual Trans* Day Of Action.
ALP's Brick-by-Brick Campaign is more relevant than ever right now - it is well positioned to serve as a space to solidify the issues that COVID-19 has underlined in our community: access to healthcare and safe housing options. This is a moment that will be important for our base, allowing folks to break isolation and silence about how they have been surviving and reflecting in the pandemic.
Please stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks.