Put $20 on ALP's 20 years of resistance as a Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Two Spirit, & Gender Non Conforming People of Color political organizing center for economic, racial and gender justice.

From now until November 30th join us in reaching our goal of $20,000 because WE ARE WORTH IT. Put $20, $200, $2000 or more on us. Ways to give:

  • Give a onetime gift or become a monthly sustainer. GIVE TO ALP
  • Mail a gift to: Audre Lorde Project 147 W. 24th St., 3rd FL, New York, New York 10011-1911.
  • Join us on November 29th, GIVING TUESDAY and give all day!  If we raise $5K as a SPARK finalist for the Brooklyn Community Foundation, they will match it.   

Give to ALP's legacy and give to our future!