Thursday, May 15, 2014 - 7:00pm to 10:00pm


Join the Miss Major-Jay Toole Building for Social Justice on May 15 for our Give OUT Day Countdown Happy Hour!

When: Thursday May 15, 7 PM – 10 PM
Where: Franks Lounge (660 Fulton St, Brooklyn)

We are the Audre Lorde Project, FIERCE, Streetwise and Safe, and the Sylvia Rivera Law Project. We are organizations led by and for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and gender nonconforming people of color, low-income people, and youth. We work to build community, provide direct services, and organize toward resilience, self-determination, and structural change.

Find out more about our work and how to get involved!

Visit the Audre Lorde Project at: http://alp.org/ and Give OUT to ALP athttp://giveout.razoo.com/story/Audre-Lorde-Project

Visit FIERCE at http://fiercenyc.org/ and Give OUT to FIERCE athttp://giveout.razoo.com/story/F-I-E-R-C-E

Visit Streetwise and Safe at http://streetwiseandsafe.org/ and Give OUT to SAS at http://giveout.razoo.com/story/Streetwise-And-Safe-1

Visit the Sylvia Rivera Law Project at http://srlp.org/ and Give OUT to SRLP athttp://giveout.razoo.com/story/Sylvia-Rivera-Law-Project

Give OUT Day (May 15) is a national initiative to mobilize thousands of people across the country to support LGBTQ liberation by making donations to organizations like ours.

As organizations and as a movement, we recognize that collaboration grows our capacity to support our communities and build resilience while we dismantle systemic poverty, racism, homophobia, and transphobia. We are coming together on May 15 to celebrate this interdependence. Please join us as we lift up our commitment to our community’s brilliant, brave, and loving resistance, our dreams, and our future together.

We hope to see you on May 15!