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GIVE OUT DAY a national initiative that mobilizes thousands of people across the country to give in support of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community has been extended through 11:59 PM Friday, May 16th. PLEDGE to GIVE OUT DAY and support the AUDRE LORDE PROJECT! We met our first goal of $5,000 and now we are climbing towards $7,500!
ALP is a grassroots organizing center for and by lesbian, gay, bisexual, two spirit, trans & gender non conforming people of color in New York City. We are a one of kind organization that works at the critical intersections of gender, sexuality, economic and racial justice and rely on support from folks like YOU to help our work grow!
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This spring take some time to water your GRASSROOTS! Every little bit helps! ☂ ☂ ☂
☼ G is for GALVANIZE! ☼
Every summer ALP coordinates one of the largest marches in the country for transgender rights called the TRANS DAY OF ACTION! We never hesitate to roll out to the streets to demand justice for our communities
☼ R is for RESILIENCE ☼
As LGBTSTGNC People of Color we experience trauma and violence every day. ALP works to provide healing, wellness, and sustainability for our communities through the 3rd Space Support Program!
☼ A is for AWARENESS ☼
From TransJustice Community School, to Security School, to Daring to Be Powerful Organizing Training – ALP provides political education to our communities to better understand the nature of our oppression.
☼ S is for STORIES ☼
As part of the Safe Neighborhood Campaign in Bed Stuy, Brooklyn - ALP works to preserve and share the narratives of Brooklyn born and raised LGBTSTGNC people which are increasingly getting erased, policed, and displaced by ‘urban development.’
☼ S is for SECURITY ☼
ALP routinely helpssupports members, and partnering organizations do safety planning to prepare for incidences of violence and offers volunteers to hold down security at community events.
☼ R is for RIGHTS ☼
From healthcare to housing -- every month ALP educates our communities about the rights we have to protect ourselves from policing and discrimination.
☼ O is for ORGANIZING ☼
ALP trains LGBTSTGNC POC in critical organizing skills like fundraising, base building, leadership development, and campaigning to have our communities represented across social movements.
☼ O is for OPPORTUNITY ☼
At every meeting we provide metro cards and dinner so that all members of our community have the opportunity to organize with us. We make sure that people with compromised housing situations, citizenship stories, and language backgrounds can find ways to get involved with our work!
Transgender and gender non conforming people are central to the work we do at ALP. We refuse to leave our TGNC folks behind!
☼ S is for SAFETY ☼
ALP provides community and family for LGBTSTGNC POC to come together and share strategies of dealing with racial profiling, abusive, and/or discriminatory policing and violence.
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Our Mission:
The Audre Lorde Project is a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Two Spirit, Trans and Gender Non Conforming People of Color center for community organizing, focusing on the New York City area. Through mobilization, education and capacity-building, we work for community wellness and progressive social and economic justice. Committed to struggling across differences, we seek to responsibly reflect, represent and serve our various communities.
Our Work
Safe Outside the System Collective
The SOS Collective works to challenge violence that affects LGBTSTGNC people of color. We are guided by the belief that strategies that increase the police presence and the criminalization of our communities do not create safety. Therefore we utilize strategies of community accountability to challenge violence.
TransJustice is a political group created by and for Trans and Gender Non-conforming people of color. TransJustice works to mobilize its communities and allies into action on the pressing political issues they face, including gaining access to jobs, housing, and education; the need for Trans-sensitive healthcare, HIV-related services, and job-training programs; resisting police, government and anti-immigrant violence.
3rd Space Support
3rd Space Support is a place for folks who are looking to build community, connect to organizing, share skills, need support advocating within the system, need resources and want to encourage each other in our struggles both inside and outside the system.
The 3rd Space Support program works with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Two-Spirit, Trans and Gender Non-Conforming People of Color communities who are facing the greatest barriers to survival with issues around employment, education, health care and immigration status.
In direct response to our community the Audre Lorde Project (ALP) has created a membership structure that holds the needs of our organizing areas and commitment to community building, political education, skills building, holistic health and wellness. Our new membership structure provides multiple ways to be a part of The Audre Lorde Project, whether you have a lot of time or just a little.