Have you seen our gorgeous new annual report?!

This year, we went DIY and created a zine to reflect on 2019 and all we've done together. Y'all have seen and held ALP through transitions and shared in the lessons we learned. With you, we've developed leaders, created tools for community safety and care, and continued to build a movement towards the liberation of LGBTSTGNC people of color.

With the sweets, must come sour though, as we begin to say goodbye to our Manhattan space and head back home to Brooklyn.

Click here to view the full report!

As our Co-Director Cleopatra says in her letter to readers:

Thank you from our beginning, our present, and our future as we head into some of the biggest and most impactful transitions coming our way in 2020. Our biggest, and most essential, takeaway is that we always hold transition with the same weight as our gratitude, because our wins are just as important as the community that gets you there.

Our gratitude to all of our members, supporters, allies, and ALP Fam!

The fight continues in 2020,
